Pipe Insulation

Save your water warm with Pipe Insulation

Another creative way to cut the electricity bills and the water bills is to cover your pipes with insulation to keep your water warm.

In each house there are water pipes made of copper that transfer hot water from the boiler to the required taps within the house. Depend on your boiler location place, some of the pipes pass through the walls and some through the loft. The pipes that pass through the loft are much more exposed to the cold climate than the wall pipes.

Cool air affects the copper pipes and adversely affects the temperature of the water. As a result of the cold air penetrating the copper pipes, the water temperature drops – a reason that makes the boiler system work harder and more intensive to heat the water, this wastes much more electricity. Also, because water temperatures drop, a larger amount of water is used

Pipe insulation is a great solution. It is an insulation that was created especially for pipes and there are various sizes and thicknesses according to the pipe size.

The pipe insulation is installed throughout the exposed pipe and completely isolates the hot water that goes through the copper pipes.

As a result, water that flow in the pipe stay warm and the boiler doesn’t consume extra energy. You can Immediately save money on both electricity and water.

If your water pipes are passing through your loft, you might save a lot of money. Don’t wait and install pipe insulation. This will save you in average between £20-40 each month.