Cavity Wall Insulation

Insulate your cavity walls to assure good home climate

Many homes don’t have proper depths of insulation in the loft and many houses have unfilled cavity walls.

Homes built before 1925 generally have solid wall and cannot be insulated using the cavity wall insulation system. If your house was built in the last 20 years, probably those cavities are empty.

By filling in your cavity wall with insulation, you can cut 30% from your utilities and make your house much more energy efficiency.

According to energy-saving trust website typical installation costs of cavity wall insulation vary depending on the size of your home. But whether you live in a large detached house or small flat, you should be able to return the installation cost in around 5 years or less due to the yearly energy savings you will have.

Most of the cavity wall can be insulated by injecting mineral wool or polystyrene beads inside the cavity wall from outside of the house.

The installation begins with drilling holes in the outside walls, inject the insulation and seal the holes, cavity wall insulation isn’t “DO IT YOURSELF” work… it can be installed only by a professional installer.

When can you do cavity wall insulation?

  1. The walls are empty and not filled.
  2. Your house isn’t at risk of flooding.
  3. The walls are not exposed to driving rain
  4. The brickwork of your home is in good condition.
  5. Your cavity is at least 50mm wide and rubble clear.

The cavity wall insulation is an important and necessary stage for maintaining a balance home climate, however it is recommended to install cavity wall insulation only after the loft insulation has been installed properly an up to code (270mm-R-30/38 Value).

Various contractors recommend to install insulation in the cavity wall and the loft at the same time, but with our experience, we believe that step by step project can ease things up and not stress the family budget.

If you don’t know what type of insulation you have in your walls, first make sure your loft insulation is up to code (270mm insulation). If you feel after that some areas in the house still have uneven temperature, your house is probably missing cavity wall insulation.